Friday, February 22, 2008

My First Blog Post

This is a moment to be recorded in my life history, perhaps. My first try at doing a blog! I know that blogging is the "in" thing to do now (or is it not?)... everybody's doing it. That's why I never got down to doing it, never liked to do what everybody else is doing.
But I signed up for a series of "new-media literacy" training and this one is about "Discover more about Blogs and blogging" . This is part of the practical that we are doing right down, this minute.

Mr Maish Nichani is our trainer, and he is asking us to do our first post of Singapore 2010, about Singapore being awarded the honour of hosting the Youth Olympics. This was announced yesterday at about 7.00pm.

Next, we will learn how to embed a video. I am choosing a video from Youtube about my favourite Korean Drama Serial "Thank You". Its quite easy, choose the video you want, copy the embed code and paste into your posts!

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