Thursday, August 14, 2008

Me, the Tech Sua Ku :)

I didn't know that the google search bar can be used as a caculator, currency converter and also to do much more.... Ai Yoh! This is one of the things I have learnt after attending a tech talk two days ago. This is what this Sua Ku also learnt:
1) Google Docs can create word, excel, and powerpoint lookalike docs. These docs can be set to be viewed by others or even edited, ....good for collaborative work!
2) Google Calendar ...... pull your everyday activties into this calendar. If even has a SMS reminder service to remind you of your meetings, appointments, etc.. and its free :)
3) Google Map ... this one is really cool. Better than your street directory. If you are planning a trip, the maps will be really useful! On the topic of travel, the speaker recommended this website : to check out on your travel needs!

Also learnt about these:

Bookmarking platforms :, Diigo, Ma.gnolia.... use these to tag your favourite stuff

For sharing platforms we have : YouTube, Vimoe, itunes U, Slideshare, Sliderocket, Flickr ... I think many more, but these were the ones I remember...

For networking platforms : Facebook, Friend Feed, Ning, Linked In, Plaxo, My Space

For wikis, there are : PBwiki, Wikispace, Wikiuniversity, Wikitravel, and the latest Knol by Google.

For Blogging : Blogger, WordPress, Vox, V Blogs
For microblogging : Twitter, Jaiku, Pownce, Friend Feed, Plurk

Typing all these already made be feel overwhelmed. But, as you can imagine, its a whole BIG internet world out there, I will take my time to explore. For sure, it will be hard to keep up with all the new stuff!

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